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Legal information

  • Company name or business name : BLESSING CHILDREN UK

  • Company registered office address: 37 LEONTINE CLOSE LONDON ENGLAND SE15 1UQ

  • Names of company directors : MS BLESSING DESTINY KALLAH

  • Company telephone number, fax number and e-mail address : + 4478325117731

  • Registration number in the Trade and Companies Register, or other authority applicable to the activity : 14659017

  • Tax identification number :

  • Legal form of company : Private company limited by guarantee

  • Amount of share capital :

  • If your website offers services as part of an activity that requires a licence from a public authority, you will need to provide the contact details of that authority.

  • Name, designation or company name, address and telephone number of the site host : Wix

  • Information about the use of personal data

  • Information about the use of cookies

E-mail :
Tél. : +4478325117731

Fax :

Adresse : 37 Leontine Close, London, England, SE15 1UQ

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